The Power of Imagery

Journeying To Reveal The Truth Within

Hey everyone! Ben here.  I’m taking a little break from my hike in the woods to share with you about my work as a healer and the powerful and important use of imagery

If we look at our world and how we behave as adults, we’re using a lot of speech, we’re talking a lot, and we’re thinking in the form of words, and we gain a consensus from these words, in the form of thought, to take action. Now, stress and anxiety happen when our actions and our speech are not aligned with our deeper inner truth

So, how do we get to our deeper inner truth?  Well, I like to take us back to when we were babies, when we couldn’t talk, and we also couldn’t act very much.  We relied on the actions of others to take care of us.  But our brain was still active, and it was active in its use of creating images to form a construct of this reality.

Images are the first and primary way that we use the five senses to create a story of how we’re relating to this world.  And as we grow up we just lose a connection with this more infantile and youthful way of relating to the world.

I help people through guided meditation and shamanic journeying, to bring them to this place of reconnecting with powerful images that speak the truth from within, and from there, then we begin to create a narrative and a story for our life that is aligned in truth.  

Now, sometimes all we get is the next sentence, or just the next letter, alright?  But that’s a step.  Sometimes it’s the paragraph, the page, maybe the chapter. And eventually, we keep doing this work, to  keep listening and feeling into what are the powerful images speaking beneath me in my soul and what’s the story they want to tell. And before we know it we’ll have a series of beautiful books when we look back at the end of this life.  Which could be any moment, so let’s start now, ok?


Knowing The Opposite